Bra and Garter set for Nardoragon 3.1
Bra and Garter set for Nardoragon 3.1 by Aetheo
Feel glamorous in a new set of clothes!
Product includes:
- Unitypackage
- Substance painter file
- FBX File
- Blendshapes (legacy female blendshapes NOT included)
- Different color variants including latex
Terms of services:
You may:
- Retexture, modify, and edit this product.
- Sell textures for this model (Both parties must own this product).
You may NOT:
- Claim you made it (credit me please!).
- Use for public avatars.
- Resell or redistribute.
This product is design to be fitted with the new female blendshapes for Nardoragon 3.1, legacy female blendshapes are not included and male blendshapes may require some set up.
This product cannot be refunded due to the nature of being a digital asset.
For any questions or concerns, please contact me on Telegram and Twitter
Please send me your feedback, thank you.💖
Unitypackage, Bra and Garter model, FBX File, Textures and materials, Substance painter file
Total Tris
Unitypackage size
2.4 MB
.SPP size
116.0 MB
FBX size
967.5 KB
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